DustEngine  0.2.0
DustEngine.Spawner Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for DustEngine.Spawner:


class  SpawnerEvent

Public Types

enum class  SpawnEvent { Manual = 0 , FixedInterval = 1 , IntervalInRange = 2 }
enum class  IterateMode { Iterate = 0 , Random = 1 }
enum class  SpawnPointMode { Self = 0 , Points = 1 }
enum class  SpawnParentMode { Spawner = 0 , SpawnPoint = 1 , World = 2 }

Public Member Functions

void Spawn ()
GameObject SpawnSingleObject ()
void ResetCounter ()


SpawnPointMode spawnPointMode [get, set]
List< GameObject > spawnPoints [get]
IterateMode spawnPointsIterate [get, set]
int spawnPointsIteration [get, set]
int spawnPointsSeed [get, set]
List< GameObject > spawnObjects [get]
IterateMode spawnObjectsIterate [get, set]
int spawnObjectsIteration [get, set]
int spawnObjectsSeed [get, set]
SpawnEvent spawnEvent [get, set]
float interval [get, set]
DuRange intervalRange [get, set]
bool multipleSpawnEnabled [get, set]
DuIntRange multipleSpawnCount [get, set]
int multipleSpawnSeed [get, set]
SpawnParentMode parentMode [get, set]
int limit [get, set]
bool spawnOnAwake [get, set]
bool resetTransform [get, set]
SpawnerEvent onSpawn [get]
int count [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DustEngine.DuMonoBehaviour
static void print_war (object message)
static void print_err (object message)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from DustEngine.DuMonoBehaviour
static bool UpdatePropertyValue (ref bool originValue, bool newValue)
static bool UpdatePropertyValue (ref int originValue, int newValue)
static bool UpdatePropertyValue (ref float originValue, float newValue)
static bool UpdatePropertyValue (ref Color originValue, Color newValue)
static bool UpdatePropertyValue (ref Vector3 originValue, Vector3 newValue)
static bool UpdatePropertyValue (ref Vector3Int originValue, Vector3Int newValue)
static bool UpdatePropertyValue (ref GameObject originValue, GameObject newValue)

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